All survey results are reported to the authorizing governmental agency and the participating company in the specific RFGSA program. In the event of potential non-compliance (PNC) based on the specific program’s guidelines, one or more of the following stakeholders may contact you to resolve the issue: the refiner, your fuel supplier, the authorizing governmental agency and/or the RFG Survey Association.
Retailers may obtain the analytical test results for their retail station by providing the following information on company letterhead; brand and address of station tested, sample ID, grade tested, date of sample collection, name of a contact person with phone number / fax number and e-mail address (required). A $150.00 administrative fee (cashier’s check or money order) must be included for processing.
These requests should be forwarded to:
Frank Lenski, President
RFG Survey Association
144 East Main Street
Salem, VA 24153
Phone: (540) 404-4437
Retail Survey results are available for request once posted/reported by RFGSA. Once posted results requests will generally be processed within 7 business days from acceptance of receipt.